Who Are We?

Unapologetically Beautiful is a family owned company and brand. We strive to make sure women look their best from head to toe. We have affiliations with other companies to help with some other areas like hair extentions and getting and keeping your private area clean and fresh.

We also have books for adults and children’s. And a program for young ladies in middle and high school. Showing them different things that go on in life and a way to handle them. We go over how to solve problems to finances to how to get a job or start a business. Then will be a summer program with college tours and possible summer ball. Finally personal care ideas such cooking, sewing and knitting.

  • Tenise Freeman


    Tenise Freeman (given name Danielle Freeman) born in Cleveland, Ohio. She graduated from Ashford University with a Bachelor's degree in Business in 2016. She wanted to also have her own clothing store. As a child, she did not feel the love of her parents or the rest of the family, except for her grandmother. As she grew up, she went from one bad relationship to another for almost twenty years and is now the mother of four children. She needs them to know that you can come out of anything putting you down in life. During one of the relationships, she almost lost her life, not once, but twice. She came out of that, then moved to another city and then another state. She started talking to God more and started to get out of the depression that she was in. Her mission is to help children never feel like they are alone or do not have anyone that they can come to for help. Her favorite quote is “There is always someone that can help you, pray to God and He will answer all your prayers at the right time.”

  • Monique Acree


    Is the fashionista of the family. She is helping the family business with the content and social media. She is from Cleveland Ohio. And she has been running the business with her mother and sister for the past three years. They look forward to helping others on their fashion journey.

  • C.C. Acree


    She is the CFO of the company. And she will also be graduating soon. She is from Cleveland Ohio. And she has been running the business with her mother and sister for the past three years. Is currently in college perusing her business degree at Cleveland State University. They look forward to helping others on their fashion journey.

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